Evolution for John Does: Pictures, the Public, and the Scope Trial Debate, by Constance Areson Clark


In the U.S. history survey course, the Scopes trial is routinely taught to illustrate the cultural battleground of the 1920s: the emerging conflicts between religion and science and between an urban, cosmopolitan, secular vision and a rural, traditional, religious mind-set. Constance Areson Clark's article introduces the visual images of evolution used by scientists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It complicates the usual history of evolution by investigating the assumptions scientists incorporated into their diagrams, illustrations, and exhibits. The teaching documents provide the resources to explore the history of science during a lecture on the Scopes trial.

Sections Guide

You may use the "Sections" menu on the right to navigate through this installment. Provided below is a summary of each section in this installment.


The full-text of the article as it appeared in the March 2001 issue of the Journal

Teaching the Article

The author's comments about using his/her article in the classroom

Primary Sources

A set of primary source documents and images selected for use in teaching this article

Further Reading

A bibliography of related secondary sources recommended by the author


A list of links to related Web sites