Damming Afghanistan: Modernization in a Buffer State, by Nick Cullather

Primary Sources

This installment of "Teaching the JAH" includes two sets of primary sources. The first set below appears in the three exercises included in "Teaching the Article." The second set appears in the article.


  1. Exercise 1: Seeing Modernity
  2. Exercise 2: Maps
  3. Exercise 3: Documents

Download Exercises Packet (A single file of all the exercises, suitable for printing transparencies; 2.3 MB, PDF Format)

Images from the article

Click on images below for a more detailed view.

Pan American Airlines technician Richard Frisius instructs Afghan pilot candidates (1960)

Map of Afghanistan showing Helmand Valley watersheds (1956)

Photograph of young Afghans surveying the Helmand Valley (1952)

Photograph of the Arghandab Dam (1960)

Map of the Helmand Valley showing areas subject to development (1956)

Photograph of rural scene in Afghanistan (1960)