Dorothea Lange: The Photographer as Agricultural Sociologist, by Linda Gordon

Teaching the Article
Exercise 3

Big growers and Resettlement Administration/Farm Security Administration camps

The government had to find land on which to build camps for farm workers, and most of the land was owned by the big growers who were the farm workers’ employers. These documents come from negotiations with the Di Giorgio growing and packing concern. Harry Drobish, at that time employed by the California State Emergency Relief Administration but later to work for the ra/fsa, had asked his Kern County representative to scout out possible sites for camps.



A. George Nickel to Harry Drobish, March 30, 1935

B. Harry Drobish to George Nickel, April 4, 1935

C. Excerpt from Paul Taylor to Harry Drobish, April 1935

D. C. B. Baldwin to R. M. Evans, April 11, 1938, summarizing policy of fsa camps