About Teaching the Journal of American History

About Teaching the JAH

Those of us who teach college-level history keep up on the scholarly literature in our own areas of specialization, but we rarely have the time to read widely across the entire sweep of U.S. history. Nonetheless, we attempt to cover it all (or at least a lot of it) in our undergraduate courses. How do we get from the monographic, specialized research to the undergraduate-level "big picture"?

The "Teaching the JAH" project attempts to bridge this gap between the latest scholarly research and classroom teaching by supplying online "teaching packages" for selected JAH articles. These "teaching packages" demonstrate how the featured article might be used in teaching the U.S. history course.

Each package includes a targeted article, brief comments from the article's author, and a set of annotated primary source materials intended for classroom use. Depending on the targeted article, these source materials might include illustrations, photographs, video clips, audio clips, and excerpts from other primary historical texts. The packages also include links to other history-related Web sites that hold additional relevant materials.

The Indiana University Ameritech Fellowship Program provided the initial funding for the first four installments (March 2001-September 2002).

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