Teaching Visual Literacy

War Comes to America 

Part 7 of Why We Fight (1945)

Type of film

Context of the film

  1. Who are the producers/writers?
  2. What does the film reveal about the period in which it was made?
  3. How was it received? 

Viewing Questions

1. In order to motivate young men to fight, the first half of the film presents an interpretation of American history. 

2. In the second half of the film, Capra overviews how WWII got started and why the U.S. entered the war. Note the key events and dates singled out by the film, but more importantly, what is the film’s answer to the question, “Why fight?”

Postviewing Questions

  1. Do you think the film succeeds in its goal of providing U.S. servicemen an inspiring answer to the question, "Why are we fighting this war?"
  2. What does the film reveal about the period in which it was made?