Evolution for John Does: Pictures, the Public, and the Scope Trial Debate, by Constance Areson Clark

Primary Sources

Click on images below for a more detailed view, which may be used to print or to make transparencies.

"The Rise and Fall of Man" (1925)

Cake-Eater Cartoon (1925)

World's Fair "Progress" (1893)

Haeckel's "Pedigree of Man" Diagram (1866)

Darwin's Branching Diagram (1859)

Gregory's "Man among the Vertebrates" Diagram with "Undiscovered Ancestors" (1934)

Caveman Cartoon (1909)

Knight's Cro-Magnon Cave Artist (1925)

Osborn's Evolutionary Tree Diagram (c. 1926)

The following images from the print article in the JAH are not discussed in "teaching the article" but may be printed for class use: